Sue Edwards
Parish Council Meetings – Coronavirus
From May 2021 Parish Council meetings are again being held on a monthly basis at the Leisure Centre. Due to Coronavirus, there are restrictions for the number of people allowed in the room. Therefore, if any members of the public wish to attend, please inform the Clerk and you will be able to attend by Zoom if you do not wish to attend in person.
Due to the recent outbreak of Coronavirus, meetings of the Parish Council are cancelled until further notice. Below is a list of volunteers who can help residents with shopping, collecting prescriptions, etc., if you cannot leave your home. Please telephone anyone on the list, who will either help you or put you on to someone who can. The Parish Council is here to help in these difficult and unknow times. Please follow government guidelines and Stay At Home and Stay Safe.
Byron Crescent Planting Day
Thirty fruit trees were recently planted by volunteers behind the play area on Byron Crescent. This was to be a community planting event, but due to the Coronavirus it could not go ahead with the general public. However, the plants are now in situ and will provide fruit for residents in the future.
Neighbourhood Plan
The Parish Council recently sought residents’ views on undertaking a Neighbourhood Plan (otherwise known as a Neighbourhood Development Plan or NDP) for the village. A meeting was held on 15 December 2019 in regard to this and the overwhelming view of those present was that this would be beneficial for the village. However, this plan has to be community led, under the umbrella of the Parish Council. The plan would mean that residents would have a say on what type of development is needed for future housing, conservation and regeneration. It can be used to identify the best sites for development, as well as a unified vision for improving the area as a whole.
Things such as environmental and economic issues can be highlighted and focused on, as well as heritage and housing, all of which are decided on by those creating the plan. One the plan is “made” (successful at referendum) it then becomes part of the statutory plan for the area, giving it more weight than other local documents like Parish Plans. As it is a piece of the statutory plan, it must meet national legislation, contribute towards sustainable development and conform with local policy. It should not promote less development than what is identified for the local area, rather be used as a tool to enhance the area, and include policies on design and location. The Neighbourhood Plan can be made to last for as long as the community decides, such as five, ten, fifteen or even twenty years.
Community engagement is key and the evidence base that is to be created is based on the views, wants, needs and aspirations of locals, and the local knowledge is key to helping draw the plan together. A steering group is one of the first steps to be made and this group will then be able to start work on the various areas of the document, with an aim to have it completed in 18 months’ time.
Your views for or against the plan are required, as if this is made and goes to referendum, 51% of votes are required for it to continue. Please send any comments to the Clerk. Also, if you are interested in becoming part of this group, please contact the Clerk to leave your details.
New Village Hall
The Parish Council, after consulting with residents through the newsletter, has resolved to look into providing a new Village Hall on the old Parish side of the village. The current hall is in need of complete refurbishment, but it would be better if additional land could be sought, as currently there is very little parking.
If you know of any land that would be suitable, or have any comments on providing a new hall, please contact the Clerk.
Due to the Coronavirus, details of when and if the AGM is held in May will be determined nearer the time.
Library Planting
Members of the Friends of Coppull Library Group and Coppull Parish Council planting up the three tier planter at the side of the Library. Plants were donated and two cherry trees had previously been planted by the Friends Group.